Yes, that is correct I have started (or rather re-started) blogging in 2025. Even with the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution, the reality of the internet is that it is content based and articles such as blog posts still have a valid place in a business’s Digital Strategy.
There are some caveats though and in my position as a Technology / Digital Marketing Expert, I cannot recommend that every business have a blog nor that every business that does have a blog blindly trust AI tools to help facilitate that blog. For businesses that are more trade focused (plumbing, garage doors, hairdressing, etc), a blog can be helpful but on the whole is not necessary. That said, videos of trades working on Social Media do tend to have a good level of interaction.
For myself, I am known as a expert in a relatively small local though the skills and knowledge are transferrable to the rest of the world as technology is one of our now common languages. Therefore, as part of expanding my own horizons, I am looking to delve into a more public persona to help my fellow business owners (from the start-ups to the more established businesses, from the side hustlers to the full-timers). I intend to be the bridge between the jargon heavy technology world and the “real” world of business. For all businesses use technology but most perhaps don’t really use that technology to the fullest or realise that technology has progressed. I hope to be able to serve as a intermediary for business owners to enquire about how they could improve their business.
That said, I am an advocate of AI and although it may be approaching a plateau (another post about that later), it is a powerful tool that will impact everything from content creation to business efficiency.
I also intend to post at least twice a week and have a newsletter along with a daily “Knowledge Byte” (like a Fact of the Day with a business / technology focus).
In the spirit of new horizons, let’s all make 2025 our year!